
 Sorry for the [so] long period of no updates, I just reformatted my computer... changed new CPU, that`z why.. =D I`ve been havin` sore throat for the past 2 dayz... just got well last Saturday. Friday night sick, Saturday morning recovered. =D
 アーァ、school holidays gonna end soon and it`s soo bored... nothing to do... now it`s kinda hard for 日本 to catch back up to rank 3rd... kinda nothing more to say though.
 Exams exams exams, sighs... まあ、today watched Olympic, basketball again, JPN vs AUS, and AUS defeated JPN in a 78 - 97 score. ガンバレニッポン! get back to Rank 3rd or win over to 2nd place...
 Today exam, bored... helped my friend burn some CDs for a price at a total of 146円/¥146. Watched Olympic Basketball (W) Sweden vs 日本, 日本 defeated Sweden in a 79 - 73! 日本!がんばれ!!必勝だ!
 Added "fanlisting" link, updated some styles, added status bar clock. Nothing unusual today, same routine... Made a new banner for Hiyonoちゃん.
 Yoshi, yoshi~ added and updated lots of things in my blog. New things coming soon, now left only "Link In" to be finished.
I`ve made a new sig.pic for myself today. ■PiC.LiNK■